It's never too early to contact the builder. We can help guide you through the initial stages of planning or, if you already have your plans and/or property, we can take it from there. Following is a general outline of how the construction process with Birchcrest Homes works.

initial contact
Meet with the client to determine their general needs and expectations
Ascertain what stage the project is in
Provide client with a guideline of the construction process and an estimated general time line
Select location (if applicable)
Obtain preliminary plans
Initial rough estimate
Create projected budget
Down payment to secure slot in schedule
Define client's needs and expectations in detail (wish list)
Work with client and architect/designer to ensure plans fit with budget
Finalize prints and engineering
Visit suppliers
Final cost estimate and detailed specification list
Fixed price contract
Develop construction schedule
Client secures financing
Surveys, home placement and permits
Site work - erosion control, access road, temporary utilities, rough grading
Foundation - excavation, footings, foundation, slabs
Framing - basic structure of house completed, windows, exterior doors
Rough-in - plumbing, heating & air conditioning, electrical
Finalize - material & finish choices selected by client
Finish exterior - siding, roofing, masonry, exterior painting, decks, etc.
Finish interior - insulation, drywall, interior trim, cabinetry, flooring, appliances, interior doors, interior painting, electrical, plumbing, heating & air conditioning
Complete project
Preliminary client & builder walk through
Punch list items
Final client & builder walk through
Certificate of occupancy
Client moves in
After the project
One year warranty on home and all components installed by contractor
Provide homeowner with homeowners manual
Birchcrest Homes will contact client for six month checkup
Birchcrest Homes will contact client for one year checkup